In recent years development in the area of Single Board Computing has been advancing rapidly. At Wolters Kluwer’s Corporate Legal Services Division a prototyping effort was undertaken to establish the utility of such devices for practical and general computing needs. This paper presents the background of this work, the design and construction of a 64 core 96 GHz cluster, and their possibility of yielding approximately 400 GFLOPs from a set of small footprint InSignal boards created for just over $2,300. Additionally this paper discusses the software environment on the cluster, the use of a standard Beowulf library and its operation, as well as other software application uses including Elastic Search and ownCloud. Finally, consideration will be given to the future use of such technologies in a business setting in order to introduce new Open Source technologies, reduce computing costs, and improve Time to Market. Index Terms: Single Board Computing, Raspberry Pi, InSignal Exynos 5420, Linaro Ubuntu Linux, High Performance Computing, Beowulf clustering, Open Source, MySQL, MongoDB, ownCloud, Computing Architectures, Parallel Computing, Cluster Computing
Abstract (translated by Google)