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Polarization-induced Zener Tunnel Diodes in GaN/InGaN/GaN Heterojunctions

Xiaodong Yan, Wenjun Li, S.M. Islam, Kasra Pourang, Huili Xing, Patrick Fay, Debdeep Jena


By the insertion of thin InGaN layers into Nitrogen-polar GaN p-n junctions, polarization-induced Zener tunnel junctions are studied. The reverse-bias interband Zener tunneling current is found to be weakly temperature dependent, as opposed to the strongly temperature-dependent forward bias current. This indicates tunneling as the primary reverse-bias current transport mechanism. The Indium composition in the InGaN layer is systematically varied to demonstrate the increase in the interband tunneling current. Comparing the experimentally measured tunneling currents to a model helps identify the specific challenges in potentially taking such junctions towards nitride-based polarization-induced tunneling field-effect transistors.

Abstract (translated by Google)


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