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A Classifier-guided Approach for Top-down Salient Object Detection

Hisham Cholakkal, Jubin Johnson, Deepu Rajan


We propose a framework for top-down salient object detection that incorporates a tightly coupled image classification module. The classifier is trained on novel category-aware sparse codes computed on object dictionaries used for saliency modeling. A misclassification indicates that the corresponding saliency model is inaccurate. Hence, the classifier selects images for which the saliency models need to be updated. The category-aware sparse coding produces better image classification accuracy as compared to conventional sparse coding with a reduced computational complexity. A saliency-weighted max-pooling is proposed to improve image classification, which is further used to refine the saliency maps. Experimental results on Graz-02 and PASCAL VOC-07 datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of salient object detection. Although the role of the classifier is to support salient object detection, we evaluate its performance in image classification and also illustrate the utility of thresholded saliency maps for image segmentation.

Abstract (translated by Google)


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