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Robot Sequential Decision Making using LSTM-based Learning and Logical-probabilistic Reasoning

Saeid Amiri, Mohammad Shokrolah Shirazi, Shiqi Zhang


Sequential decision-making (SDM) plays a key role in intelligent robotics, and can be realized in very different ways, such as supervised learning, automated reasoning, and probabilistic planning. The three families of methods follow different assumptions and have different (dis)advantages. In this work, we aim at a robot SDM framework that exploits the complementary features of learning, reasoning, and planning. We utilize long short-term memory (LSTM), for passive state estimation with streaming sensor data, and commonsense reasoning and probabilistic planning (CORPP) for active information collection and task accomplishment. In experiments, a mobile robot is tasked with estimating human intentions using their motion trajectories, declarative contextual knowledge, and human-robot interaction (dialog-based and motion-based). Results suggest that our framework performs better than its no-learning and no-reasoning versions in a real-world office environment.

Abstract (translated by Google)


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