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Scale-Aware Attention Network for Crowd Counting

Rahul Rama Varior, Bing Shuai, Joe Tighe, Davide Modolo


In crowd counting datasets, people appear at different scales, depending on their distance to the camera. To address this issue, we propose a novel multi-branch scale-aware attention network that exploits the hierarchical structure of convolutional neural networks and generates, in a single forward pass, multi-scale density predictions from different layers of the architecture. To aggregate these maps into our final prediction, we present a new soft attention mechanism that learns a set of gating masks. Furthermore, we introduce a scale-aware loss function to regularize the training of different branches and guide them to specialize on a particular scale. As this new training requires ground-truth annotations for the size of each head, we also propose a simple, yet effective technique to estimate it automatically. Finally, we present an ablation study on each of these components and compare our approach against the literature on 4 crowd counting datasets: UCF-QNRF, ShanghaiTech A & B and UCF_CC_50. Without bells and whistles, our approach achieves state-of-the-art on all these datasets. We observe a remarkable improvement on the UCF-QNRF (25%) and a significant one on the others (around 10%).

Abstract (translated by Google)


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