A crucial challenge in image-based modeling of biomedical data is to identify trends and features that separate normality and pathology. In many cases, the morphology of the imaged object exhibits continuous change as it deviates from normality, and thus a generative model can be trained to model this morphological continuum. Moreover, given side information that correlates to certain trend in morphological change, a latent variable model can be regularized such that its latent representation reflects this side information. In this work, we use the Wasserstein Auto-encoder to model this pathology continuum, and apply the Hilbert-Schmitt Independence Criterion (HSIC) to enforce dependency between certain latent features and the provided side information. We experimentally show that the model can provide disentangled and interpretable latent representations and also generate a continuum of morphological changes that corresponds to change in the side information.
Abstract (translated by Google)