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Modeling Multi-speaker Latent Space to Improve Neural TTS: Quick Enrolling New Speaker and Enhancing Premium Voice

Yan Deng, Lei He, Frank Soong


Neural TTS has shown it can generate high quality synthesized speech. In this paper, we investigate the multi-speaker latent space to improve neural TTS for adapting the system to new speakers with only several minutes of speech or enhancing a premium voice by utilizing the data from other speakers for richer contextual coverage and better generalization. A multi-speaker neural TTS model is built with the embedded speaker information in both spectral and speaker latent space. The experimental results show that, with less than 5 minutes of training data from a new speaker, the new model can achieve an MOS score of 4.16 in naturalness and 4.64 in speaker similarity close to human recordings (4.74). For a well-trained premium voice, we can achieve an MOS score of 4.5 for out-of-domain texts, which is comparable to an MOS of 4.58 for professional recordings, and significantly outperforms single speaker result of 4.28.

Abstract (translated by Google)


