Today,insulated overhead conductors are increasingly used in many places of the world due to the higher operational reliability, elimination of phase-to-phase contact, closer distances between phases and stronger protection for animals. However, the standard protection devices are often not able to detect the conductor phase-to-ground fault and the more frequent tree/tree branch hitting conductor events as these events only lead to partial discharge (PD) activities instead of causing overcurrent seen on bare conductors. To solve this problem, in recent years, Technical University of Ostrava (VSB) devised a special meter to measure the voltage signal of the stray electrical field along the insulated overhead conductors, hoping to detect the above hazardous PD activities. In 2018, VSB published a large amount of waveform data recorded by their meter on Kaggle, the world’s largest data science collaboration platform, looking for promising pattern recognition methods for this application. To tackle this challenge, we developed a unique method based on Seasonal and Trend decomposition using Loess (STL) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) to recognize PD activities on insulated overhead conductors. Different SVM kernels were tested and compared. Satisfactory classification rates on VSB dataset were achieved with the use of Gaussian radial basis kernel.
Face detection has witnessed significant progress due to the advances of deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Its central issue in recent years is how to improve the detection performance of tiny faces. To this end, many recent works propose some specific strategies, redesign the architecture and introduce new loss functions for tiny object detection. In this report, we start from the popular one-stage RetinaNet approach and apply some recent tricks to obtain a high performance face detector. Specifically, we apply the Intersection over Union (IoU) loss function for regression, employ the two-step classification and regression for detection, revisit the data augmentation based on data-anchor-sampling for training, utilize the max-out operation for classification and use the multi-scale testing strategy for inference. As a consequence, the proposed face detection method achieves state-of-the-art performance on the most popular and challenging face detection benchmark WIDER FACE dataset.
Although traffic sign detection has been studied for years and great progress has been made with the rise of deep learning technique, there are still many problems remaining to be addressed. For complicated real-world traffic scenes, there are two main challenges. Firstly, traffic signs are usually small size objects, which makes it more difficult to detect than large ones; Secondly, it is hard to distinguish false targets which resemble real traffic signs in complex street scenes without context information. To handle these problems, we propose a novel end-to-end deep learning method for traffic sign detection in complex environments. Our contributions are as follows: 1) We propose a multi-resolution feature fusion network architecture which exploits densely connected deconvolution layers with skip connections, and can learn more effective features for the small size object; 2) We frame the traffic sign detection as a spatial sequence classification and regression task, and propose a vertical spatial sequence attention (VSSA) module to gain more context information for better detection performance. To comprehensively evaluate the proposed method, we do experiments on several traffic sign datasets as well as the general object detection dataset and the results have shown the effectiveness of our proposed method.
We study online reinforcement learning for finite-horizon deterministic control systems with {\it arbitrary} state and action spaces. Suppose that the transition dynamics and reward function is unknown, but the state and action space is endowed with a metric that characterizes the proximity between different states and actions. We provide a surprisingly simple upper-confidence reinforcement learning algorithm that uses a function approximation oracle to estimate optimistic Q functions from experiences. We show that the regret of the algorithm after $K$ episodes is $O(HL(KH)^{\frac{d-1}{d}}) $ where $L$ is a smoothness parameter, and $d$ is the doubling dimension of the state-action space with respect to the given metric. We also establish a near-matching regret lower bound. The proposed method can be adapted to work for more structured transition systems, including the finite-state case and the case where value functions are linear combinations of features, where the method also achieve the optimal regret.
The fifth-generation cellular networks (5G) has boosted the unprecedented convergence between the information world and physical world. On the other hand, empowered with the enormous amount of data and information, artificial intelligence (AI) has been universally applied and pervasive AI is believed to be an integral part of the future cellular networks (e.g., beyond 5G, B5G or the possible sixth-generation cellular networks, 6G). Consequently, benefiting from the advancement in communication technology and AI, we boldly argue that the conditions for collective intelligence (CI) will be mature in the B5G/6G era and CI will emerge among the widely connected beings and things. Afterwards, we introduce a regular language (i.e., the information economy metalanguage) supporting the future communications among agents and augment human intelligence. Meanwhile, we demonstrate the achievement of agents in a simulated scenario where the agents collectively work together to form a pattern through simple indirect communications. Finally, we discuss an anytime universal intelligence test model to evaluate the intelligence level of collective agents.
Road detection from the perspective of moving vehicles is a challenging issue in autonomous driving. Recently, many deep learning methods spring up for this task because they can extract high-level local features to find road regions from raw RGB data, such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Fully Convolutional Networks (FCN). However, how to detect the boundary of road accurately is still an intractable problem. In this paper, we propose a siamesed fully convolutional networks (named as ``s-FCN-loc’’), which is able to consider RGB-channel images, semantic contours and location priors simultaneously to segment road region elaborately. To be specific, the s-FCN-loc has two streams to process the original RGB images and contour maps respectively. At the same time, the location prior is directly appended to the siamesed FCN to promote the final detection performance. Our contributions are threefold: (1) An s-FCN-loc is proposed that learns more discriminative features of road boundaries than the original FCN to detect more accurate road regions; (2) Location prior is viewed as a type of feature map and directly appended to the final feature map in s-FCN-loc to promote the detection performance effectively, which is easier than other traditional methods, namely different priors for different inputs (image patches); (3) The convergent speed of training s-FCN-loc model is 30\% faster than the original FCN, because of the guidance of highly structured contours. The proposed approach is evaluated on KITTI Road Detection Benchmark and One-Class Road Detection Dataset, and achieves a competitive result with state of the arts.
Street scene understanding is an essential task for autonomous driving. One important step towards this direction is scene labeling, which annotates each pixel in the images with a correct class label. Although many approaches have been developed, there are still some weak points. Firstly, many methods are based on the hand-crafted features whose image representation ability is limited. Secondly, they can not label foreground objects accurately due to the dataset bias. Thirdly, in the refinement stage, the traditional Markov Random Filed (MRF) inference is prone to over smoothness. For improving the above problems, this paper proposes a joint method of priori convolutional neural networks at superpixel level (called as ``priori s-CNNs’’) and soft restricted context transfer. Our contributions are threefold: (1) A priori s-CNNs model that learns priori location information at superpixel level is proposed to describe various objects discriminatingly; (2) A hierarchical data augmentation method is presented to alleviate dataset bias in the priori s-CNNs training stage, which improves foreground objects labeling significantly; (3) A soft restricted MRF energy function is defined to improve the priori s-CNNs model’s labeling performance and reduce the over smoothness at the same time. The proposed approach is verified on CamVid dataset (11 classes) and SIFT Flow Street dataset (16 classes) and achieves competitive performance.
Distantly-labeled data can be used to scale up training of statistical models, but it is typically noisy and that noise can vary with the distant labeling technique. In this work, we propose a two-stage procedure for handling this type of data: denoise it with a learned model, then train our final model on clean and denoised distant data with standard supervised training. Our denoising approach consists of two parts. First, a filtering function discards examples from the distantly labeled data that are wholly unusable. Second, a relabeling function repairs noisy labels for the retained examples. Each of these components is a model trained on synthetically-noised examples generated from a small manually-labeled set. We investigate this approach on the ultra-fine entity typing task of Choi et al. (2018). Our baseline model is an extension of their model with pre-trained ELMo representations, which already achieves state-of-the-art performance. Adding distant data that has been denoised with our learned models gives further performance gains over this base model, outperforming models trained on raw distant data or heuristically-denoised distant data.
We present a model to measure the similarity in appearance between different materials, which correlates with human similarity judgments. We first create a database of 9,000 rendered images depicting objects with varying materials, shape and illumination. We then gather data on perceived similarity from crowdsourced experiments; our analysis of over 114,840 answers suggests that indeed a shared perception of appearance similarity exists. We feed this data to a deep learning architecture with a novel loss function, which learns a feature space for materials that correlates with such perceived appearance similarity. Our evaluation shows that our model outperforms existing metrics. Last, we demonstrate several applications enabled by our metric, including appearance-based search for material suggestions, database visualization, clustering and summarization, and gamut mapping.
The goal of this study is to introduce a comprehensive gait database of 93 human subjects who walked between two end points during two different sessions and record their gait data using two smart phones, one was attached to right thigh and another one on left side of waist. This data is collected with intention to be utilized by deep learning-based method which requires enough time points. The meta data including age, gender, smoking, daily exercise time, height, and weight of an individual is recorded. this data set is publicly available.
The spread of harmful mis-information in social media is a pressing problem. We refer accounts that have the capability of spreading such information to viral proportions as “Pathogenic Social Media” accounts. These accounts include terrorist supporters accounts, water armies, and fake news writers. We introduce an unsupervised causality-based framework that also leverages label propagation. This approach identifies these users without using network structure, cascade path information, content and user’s information. We show our approach obtains higher precision (0.75) in identifying Pathogenic Social Media accounts in comparison with random (precision of 0.11) and existing bot detection (precision of 0.16) methods.
Reliable and accurate lane detection has been a long-standing problem in the field of autonomous driving. In recent years, many approaches have been developed that use images (or videos) as input and reason in image space. In this paper we argue that accurate image estimates do not translate to precise 3D lane boundaries, which are the input required by modern motion planning algorithms. To address this issue, we propose a novel deep neural network that takes advantage of both LiDAR and camera sensors and produces very accurate estimates directly in 3D space. We demonstrate the performance of our approach on both highways and in cities, and show very accurate estimates in complex scenarios such as heavy traffic (which produces occlusion), fork, merges and intersections.
Monocular 3D reconstruction of deformable objects, such as human body parts, has been typically approached by predicting parameters of heavyweight linear models. In this paper, we demonstrate an alternative solution that is based on the idea of encoding images into a latent non-linear representation of meshes. The prior on 3D hand shapes is learned by training an autoencoder with intrinsic graph convolutions performed in the spectral domain. The pre-trained decoder acts as a non-linear statistical deformable model. The latent parameters that reconstruct the shape and articulated pose of hands in the image are predicted using an image encoder. We show that our system reconstructs plausible meshes and operates in real-time. We evaluate the quality of the mesh reconstructions produced by the decoder on a new dataset and show latent space interpolation results. Our code, data, and models will be made publicly available.
Pathogenic Social Media (PSM) accounts such as terrorist supporter accounts and fake news writers have the capability of spreading disinformation to viral proportions. Early detection of PSM accounts is crucial as they are likely to be key users to make malicious information “viral”. In this paper, we adopt the causal inference framework along with graph-based metrics in order to distinguish PSMs from normal users within a short time of their activities. We propose both supervised and semi-supervised approaches without taking the network information and content into account. Results on a real-world dataset from Twitter accentuates the advantage of our proposed frameworks. We show our approach achieves 0.28 improvement in F1 score over existing approaches with the precision of 0.90 and F1 score of 0.63.
This study proposes a deep learning methodology to predict the propagation of traffic shockwaves. The input to the deep neural network is time-space diagram of the study segment, and the output of the network is the predicted (future) propagation of the shockwave on the study segment in the form of time-space diagram. The main feature of the proposed methodology is the ability to extract the features embedded in the time-space diagram to predict the propagation of traffic shockwaves.
Millions of people worldwide are absent from their country’s census. Accurate, current, and granular population metrics are critical to improving government allocation of resources, to measuring disease control, to responding to natural disasters, and to studying any aspect of human life in these communities. Satellite imagery can provide sufficient information to build a population map without the cost and time of a government census. We present two Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architectures which efficiently and effectively combine satellite imagery inputs from multiple sources to accurately predict the population density of a region. In this paper, we use satellite imagery from rural villages in India and population labels from the 2011 SECC census. Our best model achieves better performance than previous papers as well as LandScan, a community standard for global population distribution.
Hierarchy in reinforcement learning agents allows for control at multiple time scales yielding improved sample efficiency, the ability to deal with long time horizons and transferability of sub-policies to tasks outside the training distribution. It is often implemented as a master policy providing goals to a sub-policy. Ideally, we would like the goal-spaces to be learned, however, properties of optimal goal spaces still remain unknown and consequently there is no method yet to learn optimal goal spaces. Motivated by this, we systematically analyze how various modifications to the ground-truth goal-space affect learning in hierarchical models with the aim of identifying important properties of optimal goal spaces. Our results show that, while rotation of ground-truth goal spaces and noise had no effect, having additional unnecessary factors significantly impaired learning in hierarchical models.
After a disaster, teams of structural engineers collect vast amounts of images from damaged buildings to obtain new knowledge and extract lessons from the event. However, in many cases, the images collected are captured without sufficient spatial context. When damage is severe, it may be quite difficult to even recognize the building. Accessing images of the pre-disaster condition of those buildings is required to accurately identify the cause of the failure or the actual loss in the building. Here, to address this issue, we develop a method to automatically extract pre-event building images from 360o panorama images (panoramas). By providing a geotagged image collected near the target building as the input, panoramas close to the input image location are automatically downloaded through street view services (e.g., Google or Bing in the United States). By computing the geometric relationship between the panoramas and the target building, the most suitable projection direction for each panorama is identified to generate high-quality 2D images of the building. Region-based convolutional neural networks are exploited to recognize the building within those 2D images. Several panoramas are used so that the detected building images provide various viewpoints of the building. To demonstrate the capability of the technique, we consider residential buildings in Holiday Beach, Texas, the United States which experienced significant devastation in Hurricane Harvey in 2017. Using geotagged images gathered during actual post-disaster building reconnaissance missions, we verify the method by successfully extracting residential building images from Google Street View images, which were captured before the event.
This paper investigates the role of saliency to improve the classification accuracy of a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for the case when scarce training data is available. Our approach consists in adding a saliency branch to an existing CNN architecture which is used to modulate the standard bottom-up visual features from the original image input, acting as an attentional mechanism that guides the feature extraction process. The main aim of the proposed approach is to enable the effective training of a fine-grained recognition model with limited training samples and to improve the performance on the task, thereby alleviating the need to annotate large dataset. % The vast majority of saliency methods are evaluated on their ability to generate saliency maps, and not on their functionality in a complete vision pipeline. Our proposed pipeline allows to evaluate saliency methods for the high-level task of object recognition. We perform extensive experiments on various fine-grained datasets (Flowers, Birds, Cars, and Dogs) under different conditions and show that saliency can considerably improve the network’s performance, especially for the case of scarce training data. Furthermore, our experiments show that saliency methods that obtain improved saliency maps (as measured by traditional saliency benchmarks) also translate to saliency methods that yield improved performance gains when applied in an object recognition pipeline.
Face hallucination is a domain-specific super-resolution problem that aims to generate a high-resolution (HR) face image from a low-resolution~(LR) input. In contrast to the existing patch-wise super-resolution models that divide a face image into regular patches and independently apply LR to HR mapping to each patch, we implement deep reinforcement learning and develop a novel attention-aware face hallucination (Attention-FH) framework, which recurrently learns to attend a sequence of patches and performs facial part enhancement by fully exploiting the global interdependency of the image. Specifically, our proposed framework incorporates two components: a recurrent policy network for dynamically specifying a new attended region at each time step based on the status of the super-resolved image and the past attended region sequence, and a local enhancement network for selected patch hallucination and global state updating. The Attention-FH model jointly learns the recurrent policy network and local enhancement network through maximizing a long-term reward that reflects the hallucination result with respect to the whole HR image. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our Attention-FH significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on in-the-wild face images with large pose and illumination variations.
Cameras are an essential part of sensor suite in autonomous driving. Surround-view cameras are directly exposed to external environment and are vulnerable to get soiled. Cameras have a much higher degradation in performance due to soiling compared to other sensors. Thus it is critical to accurately detect soiling on the cameras, particularly for higher levels of autonomous driving. We created a new dataset having multiple types of soiling namely opaque and transparent. As there is no public dataset available for this task, we will release a public dataset to encourage further research. We demonstrate high accuracy using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based architecture. We also show that it can be combined with the existing object detection task in a multi-task learning framework. Finally, we make use of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) to generate more images for data augmentation and show that it works successfully similar to the style transfer.
Fisheye cameras are commonly employed for obtaining a large field of view in surveillance, augmented reality and in particular automotive applications. In spite of its prevalence, there are few public datasets for detailed evaluation of computer vision algorithms on fisheye images. We release the first extensive fisheye automotive dataset, WoodScape, named after Robert Wood who invented the fisheye camera in 1906. WoodScape comprises of four surround view cameras and nine tasks including segmentation, depth estimation, 3D bounding box detection and soiling detection. Semantic annotation of 40 classes at the instance level is provided for over 10,000 images and annotation for other tasks are provided for over 100,000 images. We would like to encourage the community to adapt computer vision models for fisheye camera instead of naive rectification.
Images captured under low-light conditions often suffer from (partially) poor visibility. Besides unsatisfactory lightings, multiple types of degradations, such as noise and color distortion due to the limited quality of cameras, hide in the dark. In other words, solely turning up the brightness of dark regions will inevitably amplify hidden artifacts. This work builds a simple yet effective network for \textbf{Kin}dling the \textbf{D}arkness (denoted as KinD), which, inspired by Retinex theory, decomposes images into two components. One component (illumination) is responsible for light adjustment, while the other (reflectance) for degradation removal. In such a way, the original space is decoupled into two smaller subspaces, expecting to be better regularized/learned. It is worth to note that our network is trained with paired images shot under different exposure conditions, instead of using any ground-truth reflectance and illumination information. Extensive experiments are conducted to demonstrate the efficacy of our design and its superiority over state-of-the-art alternatives. Our KinD is robust against severe visual defects, and user-friendly to arbitrarily adjust light levels. In addition, our model spends less than 50ms to process an image in VGA resolution on a 2080Ti GPU. All the above merits make our KinD attractive for practical use.
Purpose: Neural networks have received recent interest for reconstruction of undersampled MR acquisitions. Ideally network performance should be optimized by drawing the training and testing data from the same domain. In practice, however, large datasets comprising hundreds of subjects scanned under a common protocol are rare. The goal of this study is to introduce a transfer-learning approach to address the problem of data scarcity in training deep networks for accelerated MRI. Methods: Neural networks were trained on thousands of samples from public datasets of either natural images or brain MR images. The networks were then fine-tuned using only few tens of brain MR images in a distinct testing domain. Domain-transferred networks were compared to networks trained directly in the testing domain. Network performance was evaluated for varying acceleration factors (2-10), number of training samples (0.5-4k) and number of fine-tuning samples (0-100). Results: The proposed approach achieves successful domain transfer between MR images acquired with different contrasts (T1- and T2-weighted images), and between natural and MR images (ImageNet and T1- or T2-weighted images). Networks obtained via transfer-learning using only tens of images in the testing domain achieve nearly identical performance to networks trained directly in the testing domain using thousands of images. Conclusion: The proposed approach might facilitate the use of neural networks for MRI reconstruction without the need for collection of extensive imaging datasets.
Comparing probability distributions is an integral part of many modern data-driven applications, such as generative adversarial networks (GANs) and distributionally robust optimization (DRO). We propose a novel class of statistical divergences called \textit{Relaxed Wasserstein} (RW) divergence, which generalizes Wasserstein divergence and is parametrized by the class of strictly convex and differentiable functions. We establish for RW divergence several probabilistic properties, many of which are crucial for the success of Wasserstein divergence. In addition, we derive theoretical results showing that the underlying convex function in RW plays an important role in variance stabilization, shedding light on the choice of appropriate convex function. We develop a version of GANs based on RW divergence and demonstrate via empirical experiments that RW-based GANs (RWGANs) lead to superior performance in image generation problems compared to existing approaches. In particular, we find that in our experiments RWGANs are fastest in generating meaningful images compared to other GANs. We also illustrate the use of RW divergence in constructing ambiguity sets for DRO problems, and the robust portfolio problem under mean-variance framework.
Deep learning is revolutionizing the mapping industry. Under lightweight human curation, computer has generated almost half of the roads in Thailand on OpenStreetMap (OSM) using high-resolution aerial imagery. Bing maps are displaying 125 million computer-generated building polygons in the U.S. While tremendously more efficient than manual mapping, one cannot map out everything from the air. Especially for roads, a small prediction gap by image occlusion renders the entire road useless for routing. Misconnections can be more dangerous. Therefore computer-based mapping often requires local verifications, which is still labor intensive. In this paper, we propose to leverage crowdsourced GPS data to improve and support road extraction from aerial imagery. Through novel data augmentation, GPS rendering, and 1D transpose convolution techniques, we show almost 5% improvements over previous competition winning models, and much better robustness when predicting new areas without any new training data or domain adaptation.
We present a new algorithm to train a robust neural network against adversarial attacks. Our algorithm is motivated by the following two ideas. First, although recent work has demonstrated that fusing randomness can improve the robustness of neural networks (Liu 2017), we noticed that adding noise blindly to all the layers is not the optimal way to incorporate randomness. Instead, we model randomness under the framework of Bayesian Neural Network (BNN) to formally learn the posterior distribution of models in a scalable way. Second, we formulate the mini-max problem in BNN to learn the best model distribution under adversarial attacks, leading to an adversarial-trained Bayesian neural net. Experiment results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm achieves state-of-the-art performance under strong attacks. On CIFAR-10 with VGG network, our model leads to 14\% accuracy improvement compared with adversarial training (Madry 2017) and random self-ensemble (Liu 2017) under PGD attack with $0.035$ distortion, and the gap becomes even larger on a subset of ImageNet.
In this paper, we present “IVO: Inverse Velocity Obstacles” an ego-centric framework that improves the real time implementation. The proposed method stems from the concept of velocity obstacle and can be applied for both single agent and multi-agent system. It focuses on computing collision free maneuvers without any knowledge or assumption on the pose and the velocity of the robot. This is primarily achieved by reformulating the velocity obstacle to adapt to an ego-centric framework. This is a significant step towards improving real time implementations of collision avoidance in dynamic environments as there is no dependency on state estimation techniques to infer the robot pose and velocity. We evaluate IVO for both single agent and multi-agent in different scenarios and show it’s efficacy over the existing formulations. We also show the real time scalability of the proposed methodology.
In this paper, we propose a novel edge-labeling graph neural network (EGNN), which adapts a deep neural network on the edge-labeling graph, for few-shot learning. The previous graph neural network (GNN) approaches in few-shot learning have been based on the node-labeling framework, which implicitly models the intra-cluster similarity and the inter-cluster dissimilarity. In contrast, the proposed EGNN learns to predict the edge-labels rather than the node-labels on the graph that enables the evolution of an explicit clustering by iteratively updating the edge-labels with direct exploitation of both intra-cluster similarity and the inter-cluster dissimilarity. It is also well suited for performing on various numbers of classes without retraining, and can be easily extended to perform a transductive inference. The parameters of the EGNN are learned by episodic training with an edge-labeling loss to obtain a well-generalizable model for unseen low-data problem. On both of the supervised and semi-supervised few-shot image classification tasks with two benchmark datasets, the proposed EGNN significantly improves the performances over the existing GNNs.
Critical to natural language generation is the production of correctly inflected text. In this paper, we isolate the task of predicting a fully inflected sentence from its partially lemmatized version. Unlike traditional morphological inflection or surface realization, our task input does not provide ``gold’’ tags that specify what morphological features to realize on each lemmatized word; rather, such features must be inferred from sentential context. We develop a neural hybrid graphical model that explicitly reconstructs morphological features before predicting the inflected forms, and compare this to a system that directly predicts the inflected forms without relying on any morphological annotation. We experiment on several typologically diverse languages from the Universal Dependencies treebanks, showing the utility of incorporating linguistically-motivated latent variables into NLP models.
In this article is analyzed technology of automatic text abstracting and annotation. The role of annotation in automatic search and classification for different scientific articles is described. The algorithm of summarization of natural language documents using the concept of importance coefficients is developed. Such concept allows considering the peculiarity of subject areas and topics that could be found in different kinds of documents. Method for generating abstracts of single document based on frequency analysis is developed. The recognition elements for unstructured text analysis are given. The method of pre-processing analysis of several documents is developed. This technique simultaneously considers both statistical approaches to abstracting and the importance of terms in a particular subject domain. The quality of generated abstract is evaluated. For the developed system there was conducted experts evaluation. It was held only for texts in Ukrainian. The developed system concluding essay has higher aggregate score on all criteria. The summarization system architecture is building. To build an information system model there is used CASE-tool AllFusion ERwin Data Modeler. The database scheme for information saving was built. The system is designed to work primarily with Ukrainian texts, which gives a significant advantage, since most modern systems still oriented to English texts
We focus on the word-level visual lipreading, which requires recognizing the word being spoken, given only the video but not the audio. State-of-the-art methods explore the use of end-to-end neural networks, including a shallow (up to three layers) 3D convolutional neural network (CNN) + a deep 2D CNN (\emph{e.g.}, ResNet) as the front-end to extract visual features, and a recurrent neural network (\emph{e.g.}, bidirectional LSTM) as the back-end for classification. In this work, we propose to replace the shallow 3D CNNs + deep 2D CNNs front-end with recent successful deep 3D CNNs — two-stream (\emph{i.e.}, grayscale video and optical flow streams) I3D. We evaluate different combinations of front-end and back-end modules with the grayscale video and optical flow inputs on the LRW dataset. The experiments show that, compared to the shallow 3D CNNs + deep 2D CNNs front-end, the deep 3D CNNs front-end with pre-training on the large-scale image and video datasets (\emph{e.g.}, ImageNet and Kinetics) can improve the classification accuracy. On the other hand, we demonstrate that using the optical flow input alone can achieve comparable performance as using the grayscale video as input. Moreover, the two-stream network using both the grayscale video and optical flow inputs can further improve the performance. Overall, our two-stream I3D front-end with a Bi-LSTM back-end results in an absolute improvement of 5.3\% over the previous art.
Plane detection in 3D point clouds is a crucial pre-processing step for applications such as point cloud segmentation, semantic mapping and SLAM. In contrast to many recent plane detection methods that are only applicable on organized point clouds, our work is targeted to unorganized point clouds that do not permit a 2D parametrization. We compare three methods for detecting planes in point clouds efficiently. One is a novel method proposed in this paper that generates plane hypotheses by sampling from a set of points with estimated normals. We named this method Oriented Point Sampling (OPS) to contrast with more conventional techniques that require the sampling of three unoriented points to generate plane hypotheses. We also implemented an efficient plane detection method based on local sampling of three unoriented points and compared it with OPS and the 3D-KHT algorithm, which is based on octrees, on the detection of planes on 10,000 point clouds from the SUN RGB-D dataset.
The growing interest in both the automation of machine learning and deep learning has inevitably led to the development of automated methods for neural architecture optimization. The choice of the network architecture has proven to be critical, and many advances in deep learning spring from its immediate improvements. However, deep learning techniques are computationally intensive and their application requires a high level of domain knowledge. Therefore, even partial automation of this process would help make deep learning more accessible to both researchers and practitioners. With this survey, we provide a formalism which unifies and categorizes the landscape of existing methods along with a detailed analysis that compares and contrasts the different approaches. We achieve this via a discussion of common architecture search spaces and architecture optimization algorithms based on principles of reinforcement learning and evolutionary algorithms along with approaches that incorporate surrogate and one-shot models. Additionally, we address the new research directions which include constrained and multi-objective architecture search as well as automated data augmentation, optimizer and activation function search.
We propose a completely unsupervised method to understand audio scenes observed with random microphone arrangements by decomposing the scene into its constituent sources and their relative presence in each microphone. To this end, we formulate a neural network architecture that can be interpreted as a nonnegative tensor factorization of a multi-channel audio recording. By clustering on the learned network parameters corresponding to channel content, we can learn sources’ individual spectral dictionaries and their activation patterns over time. Our method allows us to leverage deep learning advances like end-to-end training, while also allowing stochastic minibatch training so that we can feasibly decompose realistic audio scenes that are intractable to decompose using standard methods. This neural network architecture is easily extensible to other kinds of tensor factorizations.
Privacy concerns in the modern digital age have prompted researchers to develop techniques that allow users to selectively suppress certain information in collected data while allowing for other information to be extracted. In this regard, Semi-Adversarial Networks (SAN) have recently emerged as a method for imparting soft-biometric privacy to face images. SAN enables modifications of input face images so that the resulting face images can still be reliably used by arbitrary conventional face matchers for recognition purposes, while attribute classifiers, such as gender classifiers, are confounded. However, the generalizability of SANs across arbitrary gender classifiers has remained an open concern. In this work, we propose a new method, FlowSAN, for allowing SANs to generalize to multiple unseen gender classifiers. We propose combining a diverse set of SAN models to compensate each other’s weaknesses, thereby, forming a robust model with improved generalization capability. Extensive experiments using different unseen gender classifiers and face matchers demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed paradigm in imparting gender privacy to face images.
Query Auto-Completion (QAC) is a widely used feature in many domains, including web and eCommerce search, suggesting full queries based on a prefix typed by the user. QAC has been extensively studied in the literature in the recent years, and it has been consistently shown that adding personalization features can significantly improve the performance of QAC. In this work we propose a novel method for personalized QAC that uses lightweight embeddings learnt through fastText. We construct an embedding for the user context queries, which are the last few queries issued by the user. We also use the same model to get the embedding for the candidate queries to be ranked. We introduce ranking features that compute the distance between the candidate queries and the context queries in the embedding space. These features are then combined with other commonly used QAC ranking features to learn a ranking model. We apply our method to a large eCommerce search engine (eBay) and show that the ranker with our proposed feature significantly outperforms the baselines on all of the offline metrics measured, which includes Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR), Success Rate (SR), Mean Average Precision (MAP), and Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (NDCG). Our baselines include the Most Popular Completion (MPC) model as well as a ranking model without our proposed features. The ranking model with the proposed features results in a $20-30\%$ improvement over the MPC model on all metrics. We obtain up to a $5\%$ improvement over the baseline ranking model for all the sessions, which goes up to about $10\%$ when we restrict to sessions that contain the user context. Moreover, our proposed features also significantly outperform text based personalization features studied in the literature before, and adding text based features on top of our proposed embedding based features results only in minor improvements.
We present Steadiface, a new real-time face-centric video stabilization method that simultaneously removes hand shake and keeps subject’s head stable. We use a CNN to estimate the face landmarks and use them to optimize a stabilized head center. We then formulate an optimization problem to find a virtual camera pose that locates the face to the stabilized head center while retains smooth rotation and translation transitions across frames. We test the proposed method on fieldtest videos and show it stabilizes both the head motion and background. It is robust to large head pose, occlusion, facial appearance variations, and different kinds of camera motions. We show our method advances the state of art in selfie video stabilization by comparing against alternative methods. The whole process runs very efficiently on a modern mobile phone (8.1 ms/frame).
Motor control is a set of time-varying muscle excitations which generate desired motions for a biomechanical system. Muscle excitations cannot be directly measured from live subjects. An alternative approach is to estimate muscle activations using inverse motion-driven simulation. In this article, we propose a deep reinforcement learning method to estimate the muscle excitations in simulated biomechanical systems. Here, we introduce a custom-made reward function which incentivizes faster point-to-point tracking of target motion. Moreover, we deploy two new techniques, namely, episode-based hard update and dual buffer experience replay, to avoid feedback training loops. The proposed method is tested in four simulated 2D and 3D environments with 6 to 24 axial muscles. The results show that the models were able to learn muscle excitations for given motions after nearly 100,000 simulated steps. Moreover, the root mean square error in point-to-point reaching of the target across experiments was less than 1% of the length of the domain of motion. Our reinforcement learning method is far from the conventional dynamic approaches as the muscle control is derived functionally by a set of distributed neurons. This can open paths for neural activity interpretation of this phenomenon.
Emergent in the field of head mounted display design is a desire to leverage the limitations of the human visual system to reduce the computation, communication, and display workload in power and form-factor constrained systems. Fundamental to this reduced workload is the ability to match display resolution to the acuity of the human visual system, along with a resulting need to follow the gaze of the eye as it moves, a process referred to as foveation. A display that moves its content along with the eye may be called a Foveated Display, though this term is also commonly used to describe displays with non-uniform resolution that attempt to mimic human visual acuity. We therefore recommend a definition for the term Foveated Display that accepts both of these interpretations. Furthermore, we include a simplified model for human visual Acuity Distribution Functions (ADFs) at various levels of visual acuity, across wide fields of view and propose comparison of this ADF with the Resolution Distribution Function of a foveated display for evaluation of its resolution at a particular gaze direction. We also provide a taxonomy to allow the field to meaningfully compare and contrast various aspects of foveated displays in a display and optical technology-agnostic manner.
Building models capable of generating structured output is a key challenge for AI and robotics. While generative models have been explored on many types of data, little work has been done on synthesizing lidar scans, which play a key role in robot mapping and localization. In this work, we show that one can adapt deep generative models for this task by unravelling lidar scans into a 2D point map. Our approach can generate high quality samples, while simultaneously learning a meaningful latent representation of the data. We demonstrate significant improvements against state-of-the-art point cloud generation methods. Furthermore, we propose a novel data representation that augments the 2D signal with absolute positional information. We show that this helps robustness to noisy and imputed input; the learned model can recover the underlying lidar scan from seemingly uninformative data
Artistic text style transfer is the task of migrating the style from a source image to the target text to create artistic typography. Recent style transfer methods have considered texture control to enhance usability. However, controlling the stylistic degree in terms of shape deformation remains an important open challenge. In this paper, we present the first text style transfer network that allows for real-time control of the crucial stylistic degree of the glyph through an adjustable parameter. Our key contribution is a novel bidirectional shape matching framework to establish an effective glyph-style mapping at various deformation levels without paired ground truth. Based on this idea, we propose a scale-controllable module to empower a single network to continuously characterize the multi-scale shape features of the style image and transfer these features to the target text. The proposed method demonstrates its superiority over previous state-of-the-arts in generating diverse, controllable and high-quality stylized text.
In this paper, a writer-dependent signature verification method is proposed. Two different types of texture features, namely Wavelet and Local Quantized Patterns (LQP) features, are employed to extract two kinds of transform and statistical based information from signature images. For each writer two separate one-class support vector machines (SVMs) corresponding to each set of LQP and Wavelet features are trained to obtain two different authenticity scores for a given signature. Finally, a score level classifier fusion method is used to integrate the scores obtained from the two one-class SVMs to achieve the verification score. In the proposed method only genuine signatures are used to train the one-class SVMs. The proposed signature verification method has been tested using four different publicly available datasets and the results demonstrate the generality of the proposed method. The proposed system outperforms other existing systems in the literature.
The ImageNet dataset ushered in a flood of academic and industry interest in leveraging deep learning for computer vision applications. Despite the significant impact of the dataset on the field, there has not been a comprehensive investigation into the demographic attributes of the images contained within this dataset. Such an investigation could lead to new insights on inherent biases deep within the dataset, which is particularly important given it is frequently used to pretrain models for a wide variety of computer vision tasks. In this study, we introduce a model-driven framework for the automatic annotation of apparent age and gender attributes in large-scale image datasets. Using this framework, we conduct a comprehensive demographic audit of the 2012 ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC) subset of ImageNet and the ‘person’ hierarchical category of ImageNet by studying the resulting annotations. We find that 41.62% of faces in ILSVRC appear as female, 1.71% appear as individuals above the age of 60, and males aged 15 to 29 account for the largest subgroup, at 27.11%. Such significant imbalances in the apparent demographics of ImageNet are important to identify so the indirect effects of such biases can be better studied. Code and annotations for this work are available at: this http URL
Self Normalizing Neural Networks(SNN) proposed on Feed Forward Neural Networks(FNN) outperform regular FNN architectures in various machine learning tasks. Particularly in the domain of Computer Vision, the activation function Scaled Exponential Linear Units (SELU) proposed for SNNs, perform better than other non linear activations such as ReLU. The goal of SNN is to produce a normalized output for a normalized input. Established neural network architectures like feed forward networks and Convolutional Neural Networks(CNN) lack the intrinsic nature of normalizing outputs. Hence, requiring additional layers such as Batch Normalization. Despite the success of SNNs, their characteristic features on other network architectures like CNN haven’t been explored, especially in the domain of Natural Language Processing. In this paper we aim to show the effectiveness of proposed, Self Normalizing Convolutional Neural Networks(SCNN) on text classification. We analyze their performance with the standard CNN architecture used on several text classification datasets. Our experiments demonstrate that SCNN achieves comparable results to standard CNN model with significantly fewer parameters. Furthermore it also outperforms CNN with equal number of parameters.
3D object recognition accuracy can be improved by learning the multi-scale spatial features from 3D spatial geometric representations of objects such as point clouds, 3D models, surfaces, and RGB-D data. Current deep learning approaches learn such features either using structured data representations (voxel grids and octrees) or from unstructured representations (graphs and point clouds). Learning features from such structured representations is limited by the restriction on resolution and tree depth while unstructured representations creates a challenge due to non-uniformity among data samples. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end multi-level learning approach on a multi-level voxel grid to overcome these drawbacks. To demonstrate the utility of the proposed multi-level learning, we use a multi-level voxel representation of 3D objects to perform object recognition. The multi-level voxel representation consists of a coarse voxel grid that contains volumetric information of the 3D object. In addition, each voxel in the coarse grid that contains a portion of the object boundary is subdivided into multiple fine-level voxel grids. The performance of our multi-level learning algorithm for object recognition is comparable to dense voxel representations while using significantly lower memory.
Robot design is often a slow and difficult process requiring the iterative construction and testing of prototypes, with the goal of sequentially optimizing the design. For most robots, this process is further complicated by the need, when validating the capabilities of the hardware to solve the desired task, to already have an appropriate controller, which is in turn designed and tuned for the specific hardware. In this paper, we propose a novel approach, HPC-BBO, to efficiently and automatically design hardware configurations, and evaluate them by also automatically tuning the corresponding controller. HPC-BBO is based on a hierarchical Bayesian optimization process which iteratively optimizes morphology configurations (based on the performance of the previous designs during the controller learning process) and subsequently learns the corresponding controllers (exploiting the knowledge collected from optimizing for previous morphologies). Moreover, HPC-BBO can select a “batch” of multiple morphology designs at once, thus parallelizing hardware validation and reducing the number of time-consuming production cycles. We validate HPC-BBO on the design of the morphology and controller for a simulated 6-legged microrobot. Experimental results show that HPC-BBO outperforms multiple competitive baselines, and yields a $360\%$ reduction in production cycles over standard Bayesian optimization, thus reducing the hypothetical manufacturing time of our microrobot from 21 to 4 months.
Detecting the intention of drivers is an essential task in self-driving, necessary to anticipate sudden events like lane changes and stops. Turn signals and emergency flashers communicate such intentions, providing seconds of potentially critical reaction time. In this paper, we propose to detect these signals in video sequences by using a deep neural network that reasons about both spatial and temporal information. Our experiments on more than a million frames show high per-frame accuracy in very challenging scenarios.
Consensus maximisation learning can provide self-supervision when different views are available of the same data. The distributional hypothesis provides another form of useful self-supervision from adjacent sentences which are plentiful in large unlabelled corpora. Motivated by the observation that different learning architectures tend to emphasise different aspects of sentence meaning, we present a new self-supervised learning framework for learning sentence representations which minimises the disagreement between two views of the same sentence where one view encodes the sentence with a recurrent neural network (RNN), and the other view encodes the same sentence with a simple linear model. After learning, the individual views (networks) result in higher quality sentence representations than their single-view learnt counterparts (learnt using only the distributional hypothesis) as judged by performance on standard downstream tasks. An ensemble of both views provides even better generalisation on both supervised and unsupervised downstream tasks. Also, importantly the ensemble of views trained with consensus maximisation between the two different architectures performs better on downstream tasks than an analogous ensemble made from the single-view trained counterparts.
Meta-learning is a tool that allows us to build sample-efficient learning systems. Here we show that, once meta-trained, LSTM Meta-Learners aren’t just faster learners than their sample-inefficient deep learning (DL) and reinforcement learning (RL) brethren, but that they actually pursue fundamentally different learning trajectories. We study their learning dynamics on three sets of structured tasks for which the corresponding learning dynamics of DL and RL systems have been previously described: linear regression (Saxe et al., 2013), nonlinear regression (Rahaman et al., 2018; Xu et al., 2018), and contextual bandits (Schaul et al., 2019). In each case, while sample-inefficient DL and RL Learners uncover the task structure in a staggered manner, meta-trained LSTM Meta-Learners uncover almost all task structure concurrently, congruent with the patterns expected from Bayes-optimal inference algorithms. This has implications for research areas wherever the learning behaviour itself is of interest, such as safety, curriculum design, and human-in-the-loop machine learning.